In this world of technology, i am a programmer, elsewhere?, hmmm... i don't know
«Не ждите, пока возможность истечет, хватайтесь за окно, прежде чем пожалеете об этом».
Tech Company, Divisions: Fevid (web), Ibz (web), RN (Bots), Ibz apps (Apps), ETC (Module)
A project that constists of many different technologies which allows your to create a profile, but it was not published due to deployment info
An python lib backed by c++
An python lib backed by c++
A site where i give computerized mathematical function tools
A social media Bot that has many functionalities - JS (discord.js)
A social media Bot that has many functionalities - C# (dsharp)
A social media Bot that has many functionalities - C++ (d++)
An python lib backed by c++
An python lib backed by c++
A site where i give computerized mathematical function tools
4 devs building sites for people, currently we have paused it to reskill so we can provide more advanced services
A collection of medicore sites which lasted from 2022-sep and disolved on 2023-feb
A minimalistic site with most of my works
A javascript based frontend
A javascript based frontend
A react native frontend
Native NextJS framework integrated with Electron Technology
PreMade Css components
PreMade Css styles
Frontend framework build on python
c# framework (not my speciality)
A javascript based api backend
Messaging service used for inter-microservice communication (our usage)
A Python based api controller framework
c# framework (not my speciality)
Node backend
HTTP client
Java backend, spring boot framework
API data model
C/C++ Build framework
C/C++ Build framework
programing Language
Type orientated programing Language
Object orientated programing Language
Same as java.... jk OOP language
Low Level Language (intermediate/low)
Low Level Language (intermediate/low)
Terminal scripts
High Level Language
Data science
Containerization of projects
LINUX, versions: 20.04, 14.04, 13.10 (server 15.04)
LINUX, version: 8
LINUX, version: 12
LINUX, version: aprox ==> 23
LINUX, version: aprox ==> 23.03
ORACLE- version: ≈6 || ≈7 (beta)
Along with VS code for celled IDE's
Mathematical Function and MD arrays
Data Visualisation
Data Extraction (CSV extraction and table functions)
ML library
Neural Network library